Saturday, March 8, 2014

Stratum Mining Block Headers - A Worked Example

Anybody spending any significant amount of time on the internet lately knows that tulip bulbs, er, I mean, cryptocurrencies are a hot topic. As such, it seems like there are a lot of projects out there looking to implement related technologies.

Stratum mining is one of those technologies. It is currently the in-vogue replacement for the older 'get-work' protocol, and everyone seems to want to write their own implementation. Unfortunately, the official documentation is severely lacking in any kind of worked example, a weakness I hope to rectify here.

This is not intended be a complete document on the ins and outs of the communication aspect of Stratum, that is something I feel like the official documentation does well. This is merely intended to show a worked example of generating a block header based on information provided to a Stratum client by a Stratum server. Think of  it as the 'back of the book' answer for a homework problem. Also note, this is for a Scrypt based coin, though the process should be the same for double SHA-256 based currencies.

If it helps you, you can send me a Bitcoin tip so maybe I can afford the fancy ramen this week: 18ymUR1XyZ68NCzjrzYtMRP2ztk8LjAgBL

Assume we see the following from our server after we subscribe:

    "result": [
    "id": 1, 
    "error": null

    "params": [
    "id": null, 
    "method": "mining.set_difficulty"

    "params": [
    "id": null, 
    "method": "mining.notify"

That is a gross wall of text. Let's pick out the important bits.

From the first message:

Extra Nonce 1: 0x60021014
Extra Nonce 2 Size: 4

From the set difficulty message:

Difficulty: 512

From the job message:

Job ID: 0x5c04
Previous Block Hash: 0xda0dadb0eda4381df442bde08d23d54d7d371d5ce7af3ee716bd2a7e017eacb8
Coin Base 1: 0x01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff2a03700a08062f503253482f04953f1a5308
Coin Base 2:  0x102f776166666c65706f6f6c2e636f6d2f0000000001d07e582a010000001976a9145d8f33b0a7c94c878d572c40cbff22a49268467d88ac00000000
Merkle Branch:  [0x50a4a386ab344d40d29a833b6e40ea27dab6e5a79a2f8648d3bc0d1aa65ecd3f, 0x7952ecc836fb104f41b2cb06608eeeaa6d1ca2fe4391708fb13bb10ccf8da179, 0x9400ec6453aac577fb6807f11219b4243a3e50ca6d1c727e6d05663211960c94, 0xc11a630fa9332ab51d886a47509b5cbace844316f4fc52b493359b305fd489ae, 0x85891e7c5773f234d647f1d5fca7fbcabb59b261322d16c0ae486ccf5143383d, 0xfaa26bbc17f99659f64136bea29b3fc8d772b339c52707d5f2ccfe1195317f43]
Version:  0x00000002
Bits:  0x1b10b60e
Time:  0x531a3f95

Now, in your code, you have to do something with all this. But first, an aside. I highly recommend you keep all values given to you in hex as hex values until you absolutely need them as something else. If you convert them to ints, you have to remember the required length of all of them when building the block header (if you convert them to octal, you should see a therapist). Additionally, it keeps diagnostic output as not-confusing as possible. At the end of the day, it's your choice, but you have been warned.

At this point, we are ready to calculate extra nonce 2. We are given the required length of extra nonce 2 in bytes (4), technically, extra nonce 2 is allowed to be any valid 32 bit number, but if you are like every other Stratum implementation on the planet, you'll use 0x00000000.

We can now calculate our coinbase. This is covered in the Stratum documentation. Simply calculate the double SHA-256 of the concatenation  of Coin Base 1 + Extra Nonce 1 + Extra Nonce 2 + Coin Base 2. The result should be the following:

Coin Base: 0x0ae66bdd8cf4ff954e4b0cbd91ba0a8d1038712e33a1a15baae46f413449371f

Next we need the Merkle root. Since we have branches, we use the method of calculation described in the documentation. If we were given an empty array for the Merkle root calculation, we would use the coin base as the Merkle root. For this example, the answer is:

Merkle Root: 0x43c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5

At this point, we can calculate the block header. Let's calculate the header of a solution for this share, the necessary things for the solution block header are:

Solution Nonce: 0x6acb01a0
Solution Time: 0x531a3f95
Padding: 0x000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000

Now, you can put together the block header as shown in the documentation, concatenate the following (the Merkle Root has its endianness preserved, ALL OTHER COMPONENTS MUST BE CONVERTED TO LITTLE ENDIAN):

Version + Previous Hash + Merkle Root + Solution Time + Bits + Solution Nonce + Padding

Block Header: 0x02000000b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e0143c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5953f1a530eb6101ba001cb6a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280

Hashing this header (remember, Scrypt based) gives:


Which we can see is less than the target:


If you calculated the target yourself from the difficulty, you may have noticed it doesn't match the target used above (you probably got something like 0x00000000007fff80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). That's because in this example we're mining Litecoin. As noted in the Litecoin wiki: "Even if officially difficulty is defined the same way as for Bitcoin, for historical reasons the value is sometimes multiplied by 65536 (216). This is in part due to the fact that early versions of cgminer did not support non-integer difficulties, and 2-16 was the lowest share difficulty used by Litecoin pools." That's why the value shown here is larger.

Some implementations of the hashing algorithm may implement the padding for you, in which case you would use the message sans padding:


Extra credit: WTF is with the padding?

The official  documentation just gives us the padding with the promise "the rest is padding to uint512 and it is always the same". Depending on the implementation of the hashing algorithm you're using, you may find you don't even need the padding! So seriously, why the padding?

The answer comes from our friends at the NSA. You see, when they aren't laughing at the inappropriate selfies you are sending your mistress, they are developing cryptography standards. SHA-256 is one of them. The answer for the padding comes from the NIST publication (caution PDF link) describing SHA-256. On page 18, under preprocessing:

"Pad the message in the usual way: Suppose the length of the message M, in bits, is l. Append the bit '1' to the end of the message, and then k zero bits, where k is the smallest non-negative solution to the equation l+1+k (is congruent with) 896 mod 1024. To this append the 128-bit block which is equal  to the number l written in binary..."

This isn't as gnarly as it probably sounds if you are unfamiliar with cryptography. Besides, this is "the usual way", and surely you  have other messages you need to pad in "the usual way", right? Right...? Bueller...?

Basically, SHA-256 operates on 512 bit blocks. Our block header, without padding, is 160 hex characters, which gives an l of 640 bits. We need to get to 1024 bits so we have two, even 512 bit blocks. 1 + 128 bits are already spoken for by the spec and our header is another 640 bits, so we need 1024 - (1 + 128 + 640) = 255 bits of 0s (or more simply, 255 0s) between our  1, and the 128 bit block which is equal to the number l written in binary. Our l is 640, or 0x280. We need to expand that to 128 bits, so prepend 29 0s to that hex number.

So, in binary, we have a 1, followed by our 255 0s, 118 more 0s from the leading 0s of l, then '101', and then 7 more 0s. Or in hex:


While this is the padding used in out block header, this doesn't match the padding we were given, but convert it to little endian:


Which should look familiar.  And just to check, it is 96 hex characters long, which is 384 bits, which, when added to the 640 bits we already had, gives us a 1024  bit message, which can be evenly split into two 512 bit blocks for SHA-256.

Of course, it gets converted to little endian again when assembling the block header. So we wind up going full circle.

Extra, extra credit: Does a 1, followed by 255 0s, followed by 118 more 0s, '101', and 7 more 0s, really give the above?

For funsies, in Python:

>>> int('1' + '0'*255 + '0'*118 + '101' + '0'*7, 2)

Gives you the integer value, which you can compare against the non-little-endian padding calculated above, if you wish.

>>> int('1' + '0'*255 + '0'*118 + '101' + '0'*7, 2) == int('800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280', 16)


  1. Thanks for a great article!

    I have one question, in your example you have:
    Padding: 0x000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000

    And later on say that it does not have to be converted to little endian.
    However, looking at the finished block-header it does look like the padding is converted:



    1. You are correct. When assembling the block header, everything but the Merkle Root is converted to little endian. Including the padding given in the Stratum documentation (and shown above).

      Sorry for the confusion! I'll fix the post now.

  2. Implementing this in code showed me that the examples you have provided are wrong:

    Hashing the block-header with padding (0x02000000b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e0143c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5953f1a530eb6101b00000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280) does not give the correct result.

    However, hashing (scrypt) the block header WITHOUT the padding (0x02000000b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e0143c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5953f1a530eb6101ba001cb6a) does give the correct proof-of-work hash.

    1. Which scrypt library are you using? As I mention in the post, some don't need the padding added (as they pad the message themselves).

      You have correctly pointed out I forgot to include the solution nonce (in little-endian of course) before the padding. Sorry again for any confusion, fixing now!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am trying to generate the coinbase but my double sha256 gives me "106da1c3b9c112fd6e04537ec130f4320b834d8ba747eeb781c4ed09acc354a6".
    What code did you use?

    I also tested your data on an still gives me the same.

    What I did
    1)COINBASE_STRING = Coin Base 1 + Extra Nonce 1 + Extra Nonce 2 + Coin Base 2 =
    2) Sha256(COINBASE_STRING) = a0486146f604eaabf8f25318fb63865809ca38f347ede3a3d0eff111bc45ab11
    3) Sha256(a0486146f604eaabf8f25318fb63865809ca38f347ede3a3d0eff111bc45ab11) = 106da1c3b9c112fd6e04537ec130f4320b834d8ba747eeb781c4ed09acc354a6

    Thank you

    1. I did something like this in Python, using hashlib:

      >>> coinbase_string = '01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff2a03700a08062f503253482f04953f1a53086002101400000000102f776166666c65706f6f6c2e636f6d2f0000000001d07e582a010000001976a9145d8f33b0a7c94c878d572c40cbff22a49268467d88ac00000000'
      >>> sha1 = hashlib.sha256()
      >>> sha2 = hashlib.sha256()
      >>> sha1.update(coinbase_string.decode('hex'))
      >>> sha2.update(sha1.digest())
      >>> sha2.hexdigest()

    2. Just for the sake of being thorough, your result is what happens when the hex digests are interpreted literally, instead of being converted to a byte array:

      >>> coinbase_string = '01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff2a03700a08062f503253482f04953f1a53086002101400000000102f776166666c65706f6f6c2e636f6d2f0000000001d07e582a010000001976a9145d8f33b0a7c94c878d572c40cbff22a49268467d88ac00000000'
      >>> sha1 = hashlib.sha256()
      >>> sha2 = hashlib.sha256()
      >>> sha1.update(coinbase_string)
      >>> sha2.update(sha1.hexdigest())
      >>> sha2.hexdigest()

    3. Thank you very much for your reply!
      My code is in java and I just figured out how to hexlify and unhexlify like python.

      Here are the methods I use

      public static String hexlify(byte[] bytes)
      StringBuilder hexAscii = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 2);

      for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i)
      byte b = bytes[i];
      hexAscii.append(charGlyph_[(int) (b & 0xf0) >> 4]);
      hexAscii.append(charGlyph_[(int) (b & 0x0f)]);
      return hexAscii.toString();

      public static byte[] unhexlify(String asciiHex)
      if (asciiHex.length() % 2 != 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("Input to unhexlify must have even-length");

      int len = asciiHex.length();
      byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
      data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(asciiHex.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(asciiHex.charAt(i + 1), 16));
      return data;

    4. Great! Glad you got it figured out!

  5. What is the relationship between difficulty and target? Thank you.

    1. Difficulty is the ratio of max possible target and the current target. There's a good discussion at Stack Exchange:

    2. In this worked example, the difficulty is declared to be 512, but the ratio of your target (0x0000007fff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) to the max target (0x00000000FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) is 128. Or Gnome Calculator can't do hexadecimal math, which is plausible. Can you clarify? Thanks.

    3. Don't be hating on Gnome Calculator (says the guy that usually uses a 'real' calculator for hex math).

      Anyway, this example was for mining Litecoin. Litecoin difficulty is discussed here:

      That gives us, in decimal, (warning, horrible formatting incoming!) target = (2^208 * 65535) / difficulty

      So, (2^208 * 65535) / 512, gives us (converted to hex using Gnome Calculator), 7.FFF8*10^53, which if I'm not mistaken matches my worked example. I really should have shown my work for that, sorry!

    4. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to pick on you. I really just want to get this right, and so far your worked example is the best I've found. :-)

      This is the target copied from the body of your article:

      After removing leading zeroes and notations:

      When I run your math through bc, I get the following:

      echo 'obase=16;(2^208)*65535/512' | bc
      # 7FFF80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

      As you can see, there are noticeably more zeros in your article compared to what your math returns.

      The figures you gave and are found in the article you provided are verified to be the same base target I've been working with:

      echo 'obase=16;(2^208)*65535' | bc
      # FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

      If I run your target from the article through bc to calculate the difficulty, I get the following:

      echo 'obase=10;ibase=16;7FFF800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' | bc
      # 128

    5. Okay, we're both right. You're more right than me, but I'll take what I can get...

      From the source code from the stratum implementation I wrote this post about, "2^16 added somewhat arbitrarily to account for poorly implemented clients" with this link:

      Note the following: "Even if officially difficulty is defined the same way as for Bitcoin, for historical reasons the value is sometimes multiplied by 65536 (216). This is in part due to the fact that early versions of cgminer did not support non-integer difficulties, and 2-16 was the lowest share difficulty used by Litecoin pools."

      So, going back to my example: ((2^208×65535)÷512) × 65536 = 7.FFF8*10^57

      Which accounts for the missing zeroes! That's exactly the kind of thing I should record in my post, but didn't...

      I apologize for not double checking my math in my comment. Also, I'm glad you're here calling me out on my crap, this post generates a lot of traffic, I'd really like it to be as correct as possible!

  6. When I generate the block header, I seem to be missing eight zeros compared to yours:

    DEMO: 0x02000000 b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e01 43c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5 953f1a53 0eb6101b a001cb6a 00000000 800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280
    MINE: 0x02000000 b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e01 43c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5 953f1a53 0eb6101b a001cb6a 800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280

    Paste into a fixed-width editor for full effect. Spaces are used to delimit fields for ease of inspection.

    The values used to create this block header are as follows:

    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Version: 00000002
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Previous Hash: da0dadb0eda4381df442bde08d23d54d7d371d5ce7af3ee716bd2a7e017eacb8
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Merkle Root: 43c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Time: 531a3f95
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Bits: 1b10b60e
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Nonce: 6acb01a0
    2017/06/16 17:05:51 Padding: 000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000

    I've checked the lengths between your values and mine innumerable times. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.

    1. It looks like you are missing the non-significant leading zeros of the padding. You'll need to somehow specify that padding is 384 bits so the leading zeros are not truncated. It's interesting that the leading 0 of the version field is not truncated similarly.

    2. Thanks! That's easy to fix. Did you just add the corresponding comment to your article? I can see it clear as day now.

    3. FYI, I just compared my output compared to yours again. I'm seeing the same thing. This is your block header:


      It's 264 characters long. Each character represents 4 bits, making it a 1056-bit message. Your explanation states this should be a 1024-bit message. If you remove the 8 zeros I mentioned, you get a 256 character message in hex, or a 1024-bit binary message.

    4. I see what you're saying now. Fun (actually, sad) fact, if you assemble the parts in my post, you get the correct (your) block header. Apparently I somehow failed copying and pasting the final block header.

      Just so we're on the same page, the 'correct' block header, copy pasted from output, is: 0x02000000b0ad0dda1d38a4ede0bd42f44dd5238d5c1d377de73eafe77e2abd16b8ac7e0143c4345eb9ad9135836f5c31b697f62429c1be08d55906ff407852adfba680a5953f1a530eb6101ba001cb6a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000280

      Which matches your result. Sorry about that! I'll update the article once we get this difficulty thing squared away...

  7. Thank you for all your help! This worked example has gone a long way for me. If you're ever in the Austin area (or SLC in about six months), I'll happily invite you to a drink of your choice.

    1. Thanks for all your help! I made some edits. I'd split all my Bitcoin tips from this article, but 0 BTC split two ways is still 0. :)

    2. As soon as I get a payout with my miner, I'll fix that.

    3. You've already paid your dues by making this article better!

      What are you planning on mining, and what are you mining it with? I never really got into the actual mining side of things, just the related software, but I find it interesting.

  8. This is the by far best article I have found that gives result for every step with explanation without missing to put notes for magic swaps whenever required. I need help with bitcoin

    1. How come previous hash is da0dadb0eda4381df442bde08d23d54d7d371d5ce7af3ee716bd2a7e017eacb8. Not ending with 0x000000 ?
    2. Whats the difference bitcoin double hashing and Scrypt based hashing ?

    1. First off, sorry you got caught in the spam filter!

      1. I must confess, I actually don't know. You're right, it doesn't make much sense as it would be larger than the target difficulty. This example is based off the test job used by nightminer:

      2. Bitcoin uses double SHA-256 for it's proof of work function, so the block header is hashed as sha256(sha256(BLOCK_HEADER)). Scrypt based coins perform a single scrypt hash of the block header, so it's hashed as scrypt(BLOCK_HEADER). Note that both coin types use double SHA-256 for calculation of the coin base.

  9. where does the Solution Nonce: 0x6acb01a0 come from, there are no calculations or values that show where you got this value?!
